Research Projects
"Redistributing Power: Land Reform, Elite Cooptation, and Grassroots Regime Institutions in Authoritarian Taiwan," Comparative Political Studies, online first (2024),
"Between Scylla and Charybdis: Land Reform and Revolutionary Agents under the Chinese Communist Regime," Studies in Comparative International Development, online first (2023),
Working Papers
"Stability Maintenance, Preventive Repression, and Contentious Politics in China under Xi Jinping’s Rule" (with Lynette Ong)
"Revolutionary Legacies and State Capacity: Revolutionary Mobilization and State Redistribution in Communist China"
"Securing the Countryside: Varieties of Rural State Building in China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea during the Cold War"
Other Works in Progress
State Building in the Early People’s Republic of China: a county-level dataset (with Jingyuan Qian)
"Linkage, Threat, Crisis: International Legitimacy and Domestic Reform in Taiwan’s Authoritarian Legislature"
"The Securitization of Domestic Governance in China: Society, Environment, and Culture"
Other Writings
Book Review, Eyck Freymann, One Belt One Road: Chinese Power Meets the World. In American Journal of Chinese Studies 28, no.1 (April 2021) [link]
"After Taiwan’s 2020 Elections: what’s in store for the political parties?" the Fairbank Center Blog, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University (February 2020) [link]
Book Review, Ming-sho Ho, Challenging Beijing’s Mandate of Heaven: Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. In China Review International, Vol. 24, No. 3 (September 2019), reprinted in as "為什麼要佔領街頭?關於太陽花與雨傘運動的六個謎題" (in Chinese) [link] [中文連結]
"Four Key Takeaways From Taiwan’s Recent Election Surprises" (with Fang-yu Chen), Monkey Cage blog, The Washington Post (December 2018) [link]
A Roundtable Review of Dictators and their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence, by Sheena Greitens (Cambridge University Press, 2016), (October 2017) [link]
"There are no statistics in barbaric nations" - from a Japanese colonial era statistical yearbook, Taiwan
Right: "Uphold the basic line of the Party with unswerving resolve for 100 years," Lizhi Park, Shenzhen, China
Top: Clan hall repurposed as a revolutionary site, Fujian, China